
Transportation, storage, maintenance, sales assistance and related services

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Transportation of cars

Careful long-distance and international transportation of cars, including air freight. There are options for processing customs documents and additional insurance, as well as driving "on its own" if necessary.

  • Period of execution About a month
  • МСК — СПб от 50 000 ₽

Search and delivery of spare parts, car cultural values

There are no items of value or spare parts that we could not reach. We will deliver both wristwatches from England and RWB kit from Japan. If necessary, we will help you negotiate individual orders or negotiate a discount for the volume.

  • Organization of payment 10% of the cost

Organization of car rallies and events

There are no items of value or spare parts that we could not reach. We will deliver both wristwatches from England and RWB kit from Japan. If necessary, we will help you negotiate individual orders or negotiate a discount for the volume.

  • Kosten ab 200 € / Stunde


Search and import of "turnkey" cars for every day and rare Copies from Europe. Checking the history of the origin and condition of cars. As well as market analysis, investment potential and preparation of reports.

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    Чтобы сбросить пароль, перейдите по ссылке из письма, которое мы отправили на 

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